Reprot & SicherheitsCenter
Wenn du das Gefühl hast, du oder jemand anders auf der Seite könnte gefährdet sein, kontaktiere bitte deine lokale Strafverfolgungsbehörde. Um einen unangemessenen Nutzer zu melden, besuche das Nutzerprofil und klick dann auf "Unangemessenen Inhalt melden" neben dem Profilbild

Reprot & SicherheitsCenter

Was ist Dein Problem?
  • To report a TOS violation visit the inappropriate users profile, then click "report abuse" and fill out the web form.
  • The user who you reported is unable to see who reported him or her.
We're always excited to learn new positive ways people are using our software. Unfortunately we're occasionally disappointed by people who use our software for less positive purposes. That's why we count on our users to help us find and remove inappropriate Camfrog users from our community. We have worked hard to make sure you have an easy way to report inappropriate users to the site. Camfrog accounts are disabled for Terms of Service violations and if your account is terminated you won't be allowed to create any new accounts.
Your privacy is affected by what you broadcast or post about yourself on Camfrog. This could be something normal like revealing personal info like your phone number or where your live. It could also be something general like attracting negative attention or doing something on webcam that you'll be embarrassed about later.
To keep your Camfrog profile more private go to your contact list then "actions" and "settings". Next choose "privacy" settings. You can then choose to not participate in Camfrog social features and you can also hide your friends list.
Go to your status to switch to "Privacy" mode where you can't receive instant messages from people who you have not added to your contact list.
Be aware of what's going on around you when you're on webcam. If you're talking on the phone while broadcasting video make sure you don't accidentally say something that could allow people watching you to know more about you than you want them to.
Posting or broadcasting someone else's personal information on Camfrog is a serious violation of our Terms of Service and this could also cause you to be banned from Camfrog.
  • If you are a teen and someone has sent you an inappropriate message or video broadcast stop viewing them, block their IM, then report the incident to us by visiting their profile and choosing "report abuse".
  • Parents should supervise teens when using Camfrog at all times.
  • People under 13 should never use Camfrog at all.
Camfrog has built in parental controls. Go to the contact list under the "help" menu to block teens from seeing video or broadcasting video along with many other options. Teens 13-17 cannot receive messages from users who mark their profiles of 18 or older unless the user has been added as a contact by the teen.
To learn more about Internet safety teen and adult Camfrog users can visit This website includes information for families to help keep their children safe online.


Camfrog is strictly for users 18 and older, and we are committed to maintaining a safe online environment and take child safety violations seriously. If you ever encounter any content or activity that may involve child sexual abuse material (CSAM) or child exploitation (CSAE), please report it immediately.

Age Restrictions

  • Users must be 18 years or older to use Camfrog.
  • Minors (under 18) are strictly prohibited from creating accounts or using the platform.
  • Accounts found to be created by minors will be permanently terminated without refund.

How to Report Violations

  • In-App Reporting: Right-click on a user name, and select "View Profile". Please click the link on the user profile page that says "report inappropriate content" below their profile photo. Please include as much information as possible, including the room name if a room is involved.
  • Submit a Support Ticket: If you need to report serious issues, such as illegal activity or child exploitation, submit a support ticket HERE. Choose the subject:
    "I would like to report illegal activity or child exploitation."
  • Law Enforcement: If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact local law enforcement immediately. You may also report child exploitation to NCMEC's CyberTipline.

Moderation & Enforcement

  • All reported content is reviewed and handled in accordance with U.S. and international laws regarding CSAM and child safety.
  • Accounts engaging in or distributing illegal content will be reported to law enforcement and permanently banned.

Resources for Victims & Parents

If your sensitive photos have been shared or published online, the following resources can help:
If you or someone else is in danger, we encourage you to contact law enforcement immediately and let them know what's going on, regardless of the information you can provide.
If you or someone you know needs mental health support, we encourage you to use the following resources:
  • If you’re outside of the United States, Here.
  • If you’re in the United States, The Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) is available 24/7 for emotional support.
Suicide Prevention Information from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Are you concerned someone on Camfrog is at risk of suicide?
If you would like to report a user that is demonstrating an act of suicide or expressing suicidal thoughts please visit the users profile and click the "report abuse" link. If you feel someone on Camfrog may be in imminent danger please contact your local law enforcement immediately. If you or someone you know is in emotional crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK. The Lifeline is a 24-hour hotline available to anyone in emotional crisis. Your call is free and confidential. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline also has a website available with more information:
Copying another user nickname and pretending to be them is considered harassment and is in violation of our Terms of Service. If someone has copied your user nickname please file an inappropriate content report so we can investigate.
  • Never give your password to anyone. If you are logging on to look at your address bar and make sure it says at the beginning. Never put your Camfrog logon and password on a website besides
  • Never accept files from strangers. No matter how tempting it may be the file the stranger is sending is probably a computer virus.
  • Never invite people to your room unless they are on your friend list. Inviting large amounts of people to your room could cause you to be banned from Camfrog permanently.
  • Never post join links to your room in other rooms without permission. Spamming join links could cause you to be banned from Camfrog.
Everyone hates Spam, Spim (Instant Message Spam) and Phishing. We have put many systems in place to try and stop malicious users but occasionally these users will still get through our defenses. To report users engaging in these activities visit their profiles and click the "report abuse" link so we can investigate and take appropriate action.
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